Frankie Naylor Sports Therapy


Frankie Naylor specialises in helping equestrian athletes to manage chronic and acute sports injuries. She uses a combination of sports massage, ultrasound and taping to improve healing. Frankie uses corrective exercises to both rehabilitate and prevent injuries. The combination of improving muscular strength and flexibility creates a platform from which fitness can be improved for optimal sports performance in this weight controlled discipline.

I started working with Frankie in 2004 because I wanted to improve my fitness for race riding. Because Frankie understands the physical demands jockeys are up against she can tailor our exercise programs to challenge us in a way that really improves our riding fitness – it’s very specific. I’ve obviously had a number of falls over the years as well and Frankie has often been there to rehab my injuries while maintaining fitness. For me this is really important so I can make a quick return to riding and keep my weight in the right place.

Noel Fehily – National Hunt Jockey

I recently had a fall from a young horse which left me feeling very sore. Another member of staff recommended I see Frankie.

I got an appointment quickly and after the first sports therapy treatment was able to get back to light duties at work; After two treatments I was riding again and after four I was back competing. I specifically found the Kinesio tape really helped me feel confident when riding while everything was still mending!

Flora Harris – Great Britain Event Rider